Nov 16, 2021
'Apply the code SEPT2021 for 50% off any product in my shop: https://precisionstriking.com/shop/ We are going to do an intense cardio boxing workout with 24 different exercises. Our general goal is to burn calories and get our heart rate up while working movements that improve your boxing. We will do 3 sets, but just do one or two sets if you are new and could use time to build up. Don\'t overdo it. We will do each exercises for 20 seconds and take a 10 second break. During the 10 second break you can either total relax or move around to keep your heart rate up. The list of exercises are as follows: Jumping Jacks Shoeshine Pendulum w/ Jab Running Knee-ups Cross Punches Straight Punches Rockbacks Standing Bicycle Kicks Side Elbow to Knee (Right Side) Side Elbow to Knee (Left Side) 1-2 w/ Movement Speed Bag Jump Squats Pop-ups Standing Twists Burpees Hook Punches Split Lunges Slip Line w/ Duck and Hook Slip Punch Punch Single Leg Drive (Right Side) Single Leg Drive (Left Side) Mountain Climbers Hagler Crunches Push-ups Bicycle Kicks Exclusive Precision Striking Membership Level 1: Past Livestreams with dozens of the best boxing drills Level 2: Exclusive workout and training vidoes Level 3: New Boxer Livestreams with basics to get you started Level 4: Week Long Boxing Training Camps to discover your potential Level 5: Reviews and feedback on your boxing training and technique Joining higher levels grant you access to all levels below. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4PwJo76WpTOk-3N8dazt1A/join Get 50% off anything in my shop with the code BOX2021 https://precisionstriking.com/shop/ My new channel: https://box.precisionstriking.com/boxinghomeworkouts Authentic Mexican Made Boxing Gloves https://www.boxingcollector.com/ BOXRAW Apparel: Pioneered for the boxing lifestyle https://Boxraw.com/precisionstriking THE BEST BOXING APP Android https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.forslabs.boxingappSupreme iTunes https://apps.apple.com/us/app/precision-boxing-coach-pro/id702519995?ls=1 The Ultimate Skip Rope https://box.precisionstriking.com/SkipRope'
Tags: boxing cardio workout , boxing fat burning workout
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